Sunday, 11 August 2013

Do you want to measure you biological age?

Measurements of some of the mediators or causes of aging are often used to determine your age, as more active aging usually implies an older biological age. For example, measures of oxidative stress, inflammation, glycation, stress or hormone levels are all important determinants of many age-related changes and are consequently used by some practitioners as a means to say that you are older or younger than your chronological age.

1) Measure your blood pressure.Blood pressure levels have a number of characteristics that make them suited to be a biomarker of aging. In particular, the systolic blood pressure which is the highest pressure achieved by the beating heart, generally increases as we get older, due to the increasing stiffness of blood vessels.

2) Control your cholesterol level. Levels of bad cholesterol (contained in low density lipoprotein (LDL) particles) rise as we get older and the higher your LDL cholesterol levels, the higher your risk of heart attacks, strokes and other diseases of the blood vessels that shorten life expectancy. Equally levels of good cholesterol, contained in high density lipoprotein (HDL) particles are used as a marker of the ability of the body to remove bad cholesterol from the walls of blood vessels, and put it back into more safer storage sights (reverse cholesterol transport). The higher your HDL cholesterol the higher your capacity to reduce the effects of bad cholesterol, particularly with regards to the development and progression of heart disease, so that individuals with high levels of HDL cholesterol have lower risk of heart disease and strokes and greater longevity.

3)  Mesure your body mass index. Body composition is a key determinant of health, disease and disability. Your body changes significantly as you get older and some of these changes can be used to track the process of aging.

4) Body composition is a key determinant of health, disease and disability. Your body changes significantly as you get older and some of these changes can be used to track the process of aging.

5) Deficiencies or relative deficiencies of hormones give established symptom complexes and should be treated. Those doctors who subscribe to the neuro-endocrine theory of aging believe that in part at least, you age because your hormone levels drop. The hormones DHEA and IGF1 (the primary metabolite of Growth Hormone) have both been suggested as the most accessible stand-alone biomarkers we have. Also you should check Testosterone / Free Testosterone, DHEAs, TSH T3 T4 (Thyroid Function), Oestrogen, Progesterone, FSH. 

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