Friday, 10 January 2014

p16INK4A is a biomarker of skin ageing

Senescent cells  lose theirs ability to replicate mainly due to increased expression of proteins-cell cycle regulators, called cycle check point proteins. p16INK4A is one of the such proteins. Recently, a study showing a  p16IK4A as a biomarker of ageing was published in Journal of investigative dermatology. 

Dr. Adamus and colleagues showed that expression of the p16INK4A increases significantly in the basal layer of human epidermis and in dermal fibroblasts during the ageing process, confirming that p16INK4A is a biomarker of skin ageing. Also the scientists demonstrated the possibility to revert aged phenotype to a younger one and vice versa by controlling expression of the protein.

First, they induced over expression of  p16INK4A and observed a dramatic alterations in phenotype. Cultures with increased p16INK4A expression showed significant atrophy and other signs of ageing progression. 

Second, Dr. Adamus and colleagues silenced the expression of  p16INK4A, after that morphology of aged culture was improved significantly and resembled that of a much younger donor.

Thus, it was experimentally confirmed that aged skin phenotype could be improved by slowing down  the expression of p16INK4A.

Source:  Journal of investigative dermatology. 

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