Thursday, 3 October 2013

Why We Should Look Forward To Living To 120 And Beyond?

I am doing ageing research and happy about it, but a lot of my friends ask me:"Why are you doing this?". I have a lot of personal reasons, for example, because I am in love with my life or I do not want to look like wrinkled pea and to be disabled. However, sometimes it is now enough to persuade people to do ageing research or give money to support science.

Now, thanks to article by  Dr.Alex Zhavoronkov in Forbes I know even more reasons, why governments of all countries should pay greater attention to ageing research.  

According to the article, 

" There are clear benefits, then, in proactively stretching your expected life horizon to a number much greater than your can currently imagine. It will probably not only make you look and feel younger, but also induce the behavioral patterns of someone more youthful, enabling you to interact with younger and older people without barriers and remain productive longer than your peers.

Another benefit of setting the bar toward 120, 150 or beyond is minimizing financial risk. This will most certainly lead more of us to postpone retirement and set a course for continuous improvement, lifelong learning and active career planning.

There is definitely no harm in stretching your “ageometer” to 150. Most likely technology will catch up and exceed your expectations. The worst that can happen is you will die earlier feeling much younger than you ever thought you would. "

I high recommend you to read this article!

Image by thinkstock

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